Blog by Abirami Shanmugam

No more defense. Go slam dunk on the right hire.

08.07.20 05:20 PM By Abirami Shanmugam - Comment(s)
No more defense. Go slam dunk on the right hire.
Finding the best candidate and improving the recruiting strategy has always been a daunting task for any Recruiter. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered; here are a few hiring tips to help you seek out the best, most-appropriate candidates.

Candidate Experience: Recruit Ahead of the Curve

07.07.20 05:33 PM By Abirami Shanmugam - Comment(s)
Candidate Experience: Recruit Ahead of the Curve
The current job market is 90% candidate-driven. Because a positive candidate experience is synonymous with good employer branding, we’ve put together a few takeaways to help you improve yours.